Country: Andorra Nationality: Andorran Continent: Europe Region: Europe Subregion: Southern Europe eu member?: false UN Code: AD Start of Week: monday currency code: EUR languages official: ca Juridiction: Andorra


There is a unique paradise with no tax on worldwide income, which is surrounded by the second biggest coral reef in the world, idyllic unspoiled beaches, and an ethereal ambiance.

It is a country that protects its environment so jealously that international fishing vessels are not allowed into its waters, which helps it to offer one of the best eco-tourism and diving in the world.

This country has practically no government interference in business for foreigners. It is a blast with numerous organic farms, abundant inland rivers, and jungles full of wildlife; a place where people are still friendly, and you can live freely.

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Banking Services

Belize is a terrific offshore banking jurisdiction. Why would you want to hold your offshore bank account in Belize, and preferably in one owned by a trust or Foundation?

First, creditors find a hard time seizing assets or money. The Belizean banking laws are very tight, and the bank will not reveal your information to almost anyone if you’re a law-abiding citizen. The bank must report to your stated place of residency. If your tax residency is properly established in Belize, Panama, or other jurisdictions that do not tax worldwide income, you are fully protected from paying worldwide taxes.

Also, Belizean offshore banks are required to hold more liquid assets and are not subject to financial crises as much as lending institutions. For example, in the 2008 financial crisis, many offshore banks that did not lend for real estate did not suffer as much as European or American banks. Offshore banks make their money from fees and transaction costs, so they may have higher costs, but they do not generally invest in doubtful financial instruments and, hence, are less likely to go bankrupt.

Sadly, there are only a handful of international banks in Belize willing to work with foreigners. Indeed, most banks work with local clients and are called domestic banks.

We work with the best international offshore bank in Belize, which opens accounts quickly for Belize and international offshore companies.

The reason why Privatus Maximus has chosen to partner with this bank in Belize is that there is simply no better or faster banking option in this country.

Due to its small size, Belize is generally overlooked in the Central American region. An English-speaking, Westminster-style democracy is somewhat odd in Central America. But there’s one more substantial reason why Belize stands out from its neighbors: its well-developed banking system.

It’s good to ask why choosing Belize over Panama, which is also in the neighborhood. Belize offers the benefits of Panama without the complications, procedures, and in an affordable jurisdiction.

Moreover, Belize has even better tax optimization possibilities.

If this small overview has gotten your attention, let’s discuss the details.

Belize’s benefits

First of all, opening a bank account in Belize offers enhanced asset protection. In today’s world, governments consider high net worth individuals, business people, and investors as easy prey. You cannot have too much asset protection if you are aware of this issue. Even the safest jurisdictions are facing such problems. You only need to see how China is intruding on Hong Kong to be aware of that fact. Guess what? Belize has one of the most solid asset protection frameworks in the world to safeguard the legacy you’ve built.

You know that diversification is a key asset protection strategy. You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s essential to diversify your assets in different jurisdictions, types of investments, and currencies.

However, accessing most of the first-level banking jurisdictions is usually an annoying and expensive process. But Belize is one of the major exceptions; it’s one of the easiest and soundest ways to help you improve your diversification strategy.

Belize’s stability

One of the main reasons why Belize is such a hyped jurisdiction is its legal framework. The best example of this is that the banking regulations oblige Belizean banks to maintain a 24 % liquidity ratio. This is significantly higher than in most countries.

Let’s explain this in simpler terms.

When you put your money in a bank, it’s a way to say you trust that institution. Nevertheless, as banks do other financial operations, such as loans and investments to be able to offer interests to their account holders, they don’t always have in hand all the money people deposit. That’s the liquidity ratio.

For example, if a bank says it has a 25% liquidity ratio, that means it can handily make use of a quarter of its assets. Nevertheless, in many countries, liquidity ratios aren’t regulated or the required ratio is quite low. That’s not the case with Belize, as banks are required to have almost half of their assets liquidly.

This regulatory environment has led Belize to be a first-level financial destination. Add to that solid AML and terrorist funding prevention regulations, and you can rest easy that your money is kept safe in a sound and trustworthy jurisdiction.

Most of your information will remain anonymous. You don’t need to reveal your registry or the names of the company boards, just to name one example.

Banks in Belize

There are two primary types of banks in Belize. You have the local commercial banks and offshore banks, regularly known as private banks. Offshore banking is somewhat new in Belize as the law that regulates it was created in 1996.

Foreign companies and individuals have no limitations to open bank accounts, even investment accounts, in offshore banks.

The high-liquidity requirements and the sound regulatory framework offer unparalleled stability, while interest rates are much higher than in most countries. That ranks fixed deposits and savings accounts in Belize right at the top of any offshore banking lists.

How to open an account in Belize

Opening a bank account in Belize is simple. The first thing you need to know is that you can do it remotely. Generally, you’ll need your passport, proof of residence, and a banking reference. Sometimes, you might be asked to provide personal references, too.

Usually, you can send your documents electronically for the evaluation of your profile and will only be required to send them physically via mail or via an authorized agent (like our partners) after you’ve been approved.

What can we do for you?

We are registered agents in Belize for banking and corporate services. We work with one of the best banks in Belize that has won numerous awards for best private bank in Belize, Central America, and Latin America. Its stability comes from the fact that its liquidity almost doubles the one required by the Belizean banking laws.

We can help you open both corporate or personal bank accounts. In both cases, you can choose between a term deposit account, savings account, or private offshore demand deposit account.

The demand deposit account has a minimum opening balance of $1,000. You can open it in US dollars, euros, sterling pounds, Canadian dollars, or Swiss francs. It provides you with a 0.10% interest rate for balances between $10,000 and $100,000 and 0.15% for balances over $100,000.

The term deposit account has a minimum opening balance of $25,000. It’s only available in US dollars. It has a fixed interest rate of 2.25% for the first year, which can increase each year until reaching 3.50% in the fifth.

Lastly, the savings account comes with a minimum opening balance of $1,000 and is only available in US dollars. It has a bracketed interest rate system: 0.10% for balances under $25,000; 0.25% between $25,000 and $99,000, and 0.50% for balances over $100,000. Also, you will receive bonus interests every time you deposit $10,000 or more in a quarter.

Let’s start talking about the requirements. First, you should know that all documents must be in English. The bank takes about 20 days from the final submission of the documents to provide a response.

Corporate account

Opening a corporate account is a straightforward process:

Send the documents to our registered agent Fill the bank forms and send us a scanned copy Pass the pre-approval Final submission of the application You can see we work with a pre-approval system. What does that mean? Simple. We send your documents to the bank before submitting the application to see if they are interested in your profile. This enhances your possibilities.

We will need the following documents:

For every ultimate beneficiary, signatory, director, official, and trustee: Notarized colored passport copy Notarized copy of proof of residence (less than two months old) Banking and professional reference Final beneficiary: CV Corporate documents Notarized copy of: Incorporation certificate Good standing certificate (if the company is more than one year old) Act of the general meeting Shareholding certificate Power of attorney (if applicable) Simple copy of: Acts and memorandums of association or statutes Trust declaration (if applicable) Brief business plan Contracts, agreement with partners, brochures, invoices (if available)

Personal account

The process is quite similar:

Send us the documents Complete the bank forms and send a signed scanned copy Pass through the pre-approval process Final submission of the application We need these documents:

Notarized copy of your passport or national ID Banking and professional reference letter Notarized proof of residence (less than two months old) CV

    • Residency

      Another of Belize’s well-kept secrets are its amazing residence opportunities. The Belizean residence is one of the most cost-effective residency options in Latin America and the world, yet very few people know about it.

      Imagine that for a mere monthly income of $2000, you can relocate to a literal paradise and:

      Pay zero taxes on your worldwide income in Belize Import plenty of items such as cars and yachts duty-free Only spend 30 days per year in Belize For many specialists, Belize has the second-best residency program just behind Panama, which is one of the most popular options in the world.

      There are many different ways to obtain permanent residency in Belize and become a tax resident in this gorgeous country. You can establish a local business, work for a domestically registered company, or apply for its retirement program. Belize is looking for experienced investors and foreigners to live and invest in Belize and is willing to make great efforts to attract talented and wealthy individuals.

      Unlike many other countries that have complex residency requirements, the easy residency options in Belize entitle you with the right to become a Belizean citizen after five years of permanent residency.

      As you’ve probably noticed if you’ve been reading our country page, Belize is a deeply underrated jurisdiction. It has a swift, simple, and affordable residency program open for all.

      Qualified Retirement Programme

      Another of Belize’s well-kept secrets are its amazing residence opportunities. The Belizean residence is one of the most cost-effective residency options in Latin America and the world, yet very few people know about it.

      If you are over 45 and can demonstrate an income of at least $2000 per month from any legitimate source, you can live and retire in Belize. This will allow you to set Belize as your tax residency, meaning you won’t pay any taxes in Belize thanks to the program, and no country will be able to claim taxes on your worldwide income.

      In fact, you can even include your family in your application for additional fees. You can bring your personal goods into Belize during the first year of residence duty-free, such as vehicles, boats, and even planes.

      In fact, despite the name, you don’t need to be retired to qualify for the program. You only need to be 45 years old, and the main concern is proving that you can deposit $2,000 per month (or $24,000 per year, whatever works for you) into a Belizean bank account. If you don’t have a pension plan, you can prove your income through savings and investments. You must stay at least 30 continuous days per year in Belize to retain the residence.

      The program has incredibly small fees:

      Non-refundable application fee: $150 Processing fee (After acceptance): $1,000 Initial QRPD residence card: $2000 Card renewal fee (yearly payment): $25 QRP holders aren’t allowed to work for a Belizean company or own or manage a Belizean company, but you can work outside of Belize, for example, as an independent consultant, as long as your clients aren’t in Belize.

      To apply for the residency, you must submit these documents:

      Birth certificate Marriage certificate (if applicable) Police report A copy of each page of your passport (notarized) Proof of income Medical exam results

      Permanent residence

      Many expats also look for permanent residence in Belize as it will allow them to work in Belize without a work permit, which costs about $1,500 per year. A residence allows you to travel in and out of Belize easily and it’s the best option for those who don’t qualify for the QRP or qualify but wish to do business or work in Belize.

      To apply for the permanent residence, you must live for 50 consecutive weeks in Belize before applying for the residence. To do so, you must enter Belize with a tourist visa and renew it every 30 days. To become a resident, you must pay a non-refundable, one-time fee of about $1,500-$2,000 (it depends on your nationality. The application must include:

      Copy of each page of your passport Bank statements Birth certificate Medical record Police record The best? You can apply for Belizean citizenship after just five years of permanent residence. You can become a permanent resident about one year after starting the whole process.

    • An Expat’s Life

      Jenny and John Wu are a typical Taiwanese family. As with most Taiwanese people, life was fairly good for them. They inherited a lovely three-bedroom, 150 sq mt apartment from their parents and owned a small business. Taiwan used to present a great lifestyle for them with fine theatres, shopping, and comfort. They lived for their children and planned for them to go to Taiwan universities, and they wanted them to be a doctor and a lawyer, respectively.

      Most Taiwanese residents love the island for its mixture of western culture and ancient Chinese Confucian values. But, with time, life became harder for them. The business wasn’t doing good and Taiwan life started to change. Many other families saw themselves in similar situations and looked for greener pastures. They advised the Wu family to sell their assets and do the same. They started thinking about going somewhere else to get a fresh start especially while property prices were still high.

      The family looked at their immigration choices. New Zealand, Canada, and Australia were far too expensive. A house there started at around 2 million, and the immigration process was too lengthy. But then a friend who knew a Chinese family in Belize told them to look into it.

      And they were quickly amazed.

      John found out that 2% of Belize’s population is Chinese and were brought in as indentured workers by the British, so he understood there was a community of shopkeepers, business owners, and professionals who traced their ethnicity back to China. He also found out that the best place to live and buy a home was Ambergris Caye, whose capital was San Pedro. This was an island filled with a mix of different nationalities and with thriving tourism and business opportunities.

      John lived for his family. He lived a simple life having a small supermarket store that sold fruit, vegetables, and small goods. The competition was tough and margins were low, but since they owned an apartment, life was good. As a Wing Chun practitioner, he spent most of his free time training martial arts with his son, so he really didn’t want to move, but he knew all his family wanted to start from scratch somewhere else.

      Belize had very affordable and fast residency options. Indeed, under the retiree plan, all he needed to show was that he could sustain a monthly income of $2000 a month. However, John decided he would form a local business, so he opened a convenience store in San Pedro serving fruit, vegetables, and a small café.

      He also found there were a number of good private schools, which offered British education. The school system is not as high quality as Taiwan, but the relaxed island lifestyle gave the children more time to study, and the use of online technology meant they had an excellent lifestyle combined with a top-rate online education.

      After visiting San Pedro, John decided to make the move. He sold his Taiwan central apartment for $2 million. With that, he found out he could buy a beautiful property right on the beach in San Pedro for around $250-350,000, and it would be far bigger than anything he had in Taiwan. He used another 300,000 to build a fully operational mini supermarket leaving him a million dollars to spare for his enjoyment and his family. John was absolutely amazed at what sort of lifestyle he had acquired.

      John found that he had plenty of spare time because his business was only a few minutes’ walk from his house and labor was cheap. So, basically, all he had to do was to organize the fresh fruit and vegetables grown on the mainland and imports from the US to be delivered regularly. Tourism was constant and booming, so his shop was always full of customers. The money he made was more than enough, and he even lived far better than in Taiwan.

      His children spent much more time with him doing activities they always dreamed about. Right on the bay of San Pedro, they could snorkel with the amazing sea life that would swim up to them. He took diving and fishing courses, and at the weekends, the family would explore the amazing coral reefs of Belize and its mysterious rainforests.

      During the weekends, when his family wants a big-city experience, he simply takes his boat to the Chetumal border. Chetumal is a Mexican city on the border of Corozal, Belize, and only 30 minutes by boat from San Pedro. There, you can visit shopping centers, restaurants, and cinemas as good as those in America, but at much lower costs. Full seafood dinner for four in a top restaurant costs him only $60. And if he wants something fancier and larger, Cancun is only two hours away from Belize by plane.

      John realized, sitting in his beachfront home, that he was extremely rich by Belizean standards, whereas, by Taiwanese standards, he was poor and barely making ends meet. He realized that he could send his children to the best universities in the world with the money he saved while living on a permanent holiday.

    • Real Estate and Investments

      Privatus Maximus is dedicated to maintaining the best information on offshore investment and structuring opportunities available in each country we review. That is why we are very careful only to be the information partners of only the very best and reputable developers and Real Estate opportunities. If it doesn’t fit our high investment standards, we simply don’t write about it.

      Because we are locals and registered in Belize, we are particularly careful to offer you only the opportunities we know are the Rolls Royce of quality and value for money.

      There is only one place in Belize that you, as a foreigner, should live. That place is an island 30 minutes by ferry from mainland Belize and with an ever-growing community of expats living and working there permanently and with hundreds of thousands of tourists flying in each year. We call it the Ibiza of Central America because it is full of amazing activities and opportunities, including great dining, diving, fishing, coral reef snorkeling, and general water activities.

      There is an endless number of family activities, as well as great island nightlife. The island is only 30 minutes by boat to the most famous diving spot in the world (The Blue Hole) and surrounded by the second largest coral reef in the world. The beaches and the sunsets are to die for.

      That island is called Ambergris Caye, and its capital is San Pedro. What still amazes us is that Ambergris Caye isn’t considered among the best touristic destinations in Central America and the Caribbean. It is, for sure, at least, the most underrated.

      We work with the best real estate developers in Belize to offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for avid investors that see Ambergris’ potential.

      Privatus Maximus readers are being offered a one time offer of a promotional package which can only be redeemed through us, which includes the following:

      An investment tour in San Pedro where you will meet the owners, be shown the nightlife, diving, and tourism and investment opportunities of the island absolutely free (the price will be deducted from your lot purchase) plus a stay in the luxury villas or hotels of Mahogany Bay. The option to buy lots, houses, or Canal and beachfront land in San Pedro, starting at only $40,000 per lot and terrific financing options for Privatus Maximus readers. You’ll have a Belize company or trust included in the package to own the land without cost and fees of a Belize lawyer to finalize the conveyance of title. And, of course, a full residency package (provided you can show a monthly income of $2000). This package is available for a limited time, while the lots are still available. The island isn’t large, and many lots will go away quite soon, so we urge you to visit Belize and have the experience of a lifetime.

      Secrets about Belize Real Estate

      Only at Privatus Maximus, we dare to tell you some little-known secrets about Belize Real estate that you will not hear anywhere else:

      Secret 1

      San Pedro and Ambergris Caye are one of the safest places in the world. There is no crime whatsoever because criminals find it too difficult and too expensive to get to the island and further have no way of getting back without being caught. Further, the island has excellent security. You can literally leave your children unattended on the beach, and the only risk is getting too much suntan.

      How is it that this paradise is only 30 minutes away from Belize City where there are criminals and gangs? Well, just look at Miami. There are some suburbs (you simply would not even take your dog and some others where it is perfectly safe. Belize is the same; you need to know where to live. And the best we can suggest is San Pedro in Ambergris Caye.

      Secret 2

      There is only one development in San Pedro that is built to the highest international standards, has a five-star luxury hotel, shopping, and restaurants, and is the best value-cost relationship in the Caribbean and Latin America. That development is owned by one of the largest landowning families in San Pedro and, therefore, has pockets deep enough to maintain the highest standards. Privatus Maximus looked long and hard at all other developments, and there is nothing like this.

      This is why we agreed to become their informational partners. The development is called Mahogany Bay, and here, you can acquire a beachfront luxury property with access to the best beaches in the world, built to high international British standards starting at $150,000. Property like this would cost you over a million dollars in Australia, over $500,000 in other places of Latin America, and we won’t even mention how much it would cost in Miami. You won’t find better and cheaper anywhere else.

      Secret 3

      Privatus Maximus has partnered with Mahogany Bay’s owners to bring family offices and investors to participate in an even bigger secret called secret beach. This beach owned by the same family is being designed as an eco-city with organic greenhouses and based on the upcoming models of a free city. Investors can buy beachfront lots through Privatus Maximus , starting at only $40,000. If you buy this for your family as soon as development starts, these lots will rise exponentially.

      Secret 4

      Foreigners have the same rights as locals to buy and own property. There are no licenses, permits, or particular conditions for foreigners to invest and own real estate in Belize. Moreover, property taxes in Belize are quite small. The annual property tax in Belize averages $1,000, and there are no capital gain or estate taxes.

      Secret 5

      The National Sustainable Tourism Master Plan (NSTMP) endorsed in 2012, had the goal of achieving 556,000 overnight arrivals by 2030. In 2019, more than 90% of that goal had been accomplished. And Belize isn’t still considered a top Caribbean destination. Just to name an example, Grenada, which has a fifth of the Belizean population, has similar visitor numbers. That means there’s still a ton of room to grow for Belize.

      Mahogany Bay

      The residence in Mahogany Bay Village brings a new style of Caribbean playfulness and sophisticated luxury to Belize. Here you will discover impeccable craftsmanship infused with sleek interior design infused with today’s most sought amenities, curated by a collective of creative visionaries. These waterfront properties revel in an unabashedly modern spirit—homes filled with enchantment, elegance, and cutting-edge design.

      Mahogany Bay Village is a deluxe coastal living community, which is also home to a Hilton Curio Resort. The project allows individuals to invest and maintain private estates, or generate rental income in one of the region’s most sought after destinations, which is one of the last affordable luxury real estate investment possibilities in the Caribbean

      As the only gated and master-planned community in Belize, the development honors the Caribbean allure and style while featuring an integrated canal system. Mahogany Bay’s classy properties come with unrivaled design and a spectacular display of amenities, within a mere 10-minute drive from the San Pedro Airport.

      Mahogany Bay Village is located on Ambergris Caye, the home of most expats in Belize and just one mile south of San Pedro Town, the most famous tourist destination in all Belize. With a deluxe design, vibrant local culture, and the unforgettable beauty and comfort of Ambergris Caye, Mahogany Bay is an extraordinary combination of art and functionality.

      The residences at Mahogany Bay are an exciting new enclave of tropical island design. The aesthetic of the homes will reflect a specific architectural style found in the Caribbean.

      These luxurious homes allow owners to live, love, dine and play around Ambergris Caye. The ownership allows for personal use while also providing owners the option for professionally managed nightly rentals.

      Mahogany Bay’s potential

      The tourism market is still considered “emerging” in Belize by travel and tourism companies. This is because the country generally, and Ambergris Caye specifically, do not currently have the facilities available to meet current demand and to accommodate large-scale charter tourism. Established Caribbean destinations depend on their thriving tourism industries. Private residences within the larger Mahogany Bay Village development would help to ease this supply constraint and move the market closer to meeting demand.

      Not just in the United States, but around the world, the baby boomer generation is fast approaching retirement. This generation in the United States controls most of the net worth in the country and accounts for 40% of total consumer demand. By some estimates, they also stand to inherit 7.6 trillion dollars during their lifetimes. As they begin to wind down their working lives, many will begin to travel more with their families, and many will seek second and third homes. Others, who may not be as well off, will also look for locales where their dollars will stretch to accommodate their increased life expectancy.

      As a group that currently adds 10,000 members daily to the population age 65 and older, at a pace that will actually increase over the next two decades, they have limited retirement location choices that allow for ease of travel to visit family, friends, and medical facilities along with a familiar culture. But that’s what Belize provides. It’s an English-speaking country, has a strong expat community, and it’s just two hours away from Miami (and also has direct flights from Denver, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Newark, and Chicago).

      Moreover, Belize has started growing as a tourist destination. The tourist rental demand has increased 44% in the last five years, but the increase of monthly or nightly rentals hasn’t been proportional to the demand. And that, of course, has increased returns for property owners and investors.

      And, if we hadn’t said it, almost 75% of tourists that visit Belize, go to Caye Ambergris, which has a peak occupancy rate of 71.5%. This means we’re offering a high-return possibility, for an amazing price, at a top tourist, ever-growing, destination.

      What can we offer for you?

      Our partners have a wide array of different properties. We have homes ranging from three bedrooms to one-bedroom, larger, multi-family units for those looking for bigger investment projects, and even townhomes. Most lots start at $150,000, plus construction costs, which start at about $40,000. Some may even cost less, but are being sold out quickly as they are a rarely-seen possibility. From the moment the construction begins, your property will start gaining immense value.

      You might be asking about specific return numbers. Just to name one example, a three-bedroom property that costs around $350,000 can generate an annual rental income of more than $120,000, meaning you’ll recover your investment in a mere three years.

      But our partners also have many different options to suit all kinds of investors, strategies, and pockets. We’re offering more than 30 different projects in Mahogany Bay, where you can invest.

      Let’s walk you through only a handful of them:

      The Casita

      Don’t be fooled by its size. This 224 sq mt property has all the comfort a person needs for enjoying the summer in Belize. It has one bedroom, one living room, and a bathroom. It offers amazing, once-in-a-lifetime views. The best? It comes with some of the best investment returns you’ll ever find in the market and especially in the Caribbean. You won’t find many opportunities like this one. It’s perfect for baby family offices looking to start with small investments and for individuals who want an otherworldly place to relax during the summer without breaking the bank.

      Cordage Cottage

      Cordage Cottage is Privatus Maximus’ personal favorite. It has absolutely everything a seaside property needs. A relaxed, modern design, comfort, astonishing views, and, of course, fantastic investment returns. That is why Cordage Cottage is selling a lot. The Cordage Cottage is one of the most popular 2-bedroom home designs in South Ambergris Village. Each lot is a canal-front property within the first gated community on Ambergris Caye, Belize. It comes with a 655 sq ft first floor and a 116 sq ft loft for a total of 771 sq ft. It has two bedrooms, the loft, and one bathroom, and a gorgeous screened porch. Cordage Cottage is widely sought as a first-level investment because it’s perfect for family vacations in Belize. Both high net worth individuals looking for a place to escape with their loved ones, and investors looking to obtain fantastic ROIs and rental income see it as a terrific asset.

      The Jib House

      Last but not least, the Jib House is likely one of the most popular developments in Mahogany Bay due to its otherworldly investment return potential. It combines a modern design with a coastal ambiance that will immediately lead you to feel at ease there. It is a place for relaxation and restoration that will help you and your family get the memories of a lifetime. The Jib was designed by one of the top architect firms in the US as one of the stalwarts of the South Ambergris Village master-planned community. All lots are canal-front properties in the first gated community of the Ambergris Caye. The Jib is one of the largest two-bedroom properties as it has a total 1412 sq ft of construction. It comes with two beautiful master bedrooms in the low deck, and two lofts on the upper floor. It also has two bathrooms and a fantastic living and dining space. As it that wasn’t enough, just imagine the views you’ll have at night in its beautiful porch:

      Secret Beach

      The other amazing opportunity our partners have to offer is Secret Beach. One common question regarding real estate investment is what is the best time to invest? The answer is simple: At the pre-developed stage. It is wise to invest when prices are low, the potential is untapped, and there’s room to grow. Purchasing land at this stage is like purchasing wholesale, and purchasing developed land is like buying retail.

      Now, how can you identify a land project with a ton of potential? You need to look at different essential factors, such as demographics, housing patterns, economic growth, geographic considerations, and public/private investment patterns.

      And Ambergris Caye checks all the boxes. The West Coast of the Caye is known as the Secret Beach, which has become a top location for locals and tourists. You have idyllic Caribbean beaches, with white sand, no seagrass, otherworldly sunsets, and much more. But there’s still a lot of work to do.

      It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 25 years ago, Ambergris Caye was largely unknown but has developed dramatically. Nevertheless, most of the development focused on the East Coast of the island, meaning there are still incredible opportunities for land development on the West Coast.

      But you must also consider that almost half of the Belizean lands are not available for investment because they are under environmental protection. For this reason, Land Banking on the West Coast of Ambergris Caye (The Platinum Coast) is a very limited opportunity due to the availability of the finite amount of lots that do not require environmental protection.

      With the exponential expansion and land rush taking place in Belize, and especially in the West Coast of Ambergris Caye, land values can potentially triple in the next half-decade. Does this seem unrealistic? That’s not the case as it’s already happened in the past.

      Secret Beach was almost completely uninhabited some years ago, but now it’s begun to rise. It has dozens of bars, restaurants, and commercial developments, but residential real estate is still somewhat underdeveloped. Only in 2018, the first handful of residential real estate projects started developing, meaning there’s still a ton of potential to exploit.

      You can look how it’s changed in only two years right here:

      Through our partners in Belize, you will have access to a network of investment properties, lots, large land parcels throughout Ambergris Caye, and in the top-performing sub-divisions of the West Coast, better known as the “PLATINUM COAST” and for a good reason. Our partners have sold millions in land banking real estate in Ambergris Caye Belize and are poised to make history with the current volume of their investment property sales. At the same time, they still seek to offer personalized attention to their clients.

      Now it’s the best time to invest in Secret Beach. New road and utility plans are soon to be executed, which will likely increase the land lot prices. There’s also a huge need for developments in the West Coast, because most land in the East is already occupied. In only eight years, the land lot costs have soared from $9,000 to more than $40,000 and still have room to grow. In comparison, right now, they already cost about $53,000 on the East Coast, while they are still poised for significant growth.

      What can we do for you?

      Simply put, through our partners, we offer the safest way to land bank and buy property in Belize. We provide the simple title, freehold interest, clear property ownership rights, and unencumbered titles just like in the United States.

      We will guide you through your entire Land Banking Investment Real Estate transaction, ensuring the process is done legally, safely, and securely. Each transaction is guided by an Englishspeaking closing agent who will guarantee the integrity of your deal all along. Our partners oversee every closing to make sure everything is done properly.

      Your money is kept safe until the title is transferred to you. We work with local experts that have plenty of experience dealing with the local laws regarding ownership of real estate in Belize and will put this knowledge to work for you to secure your investment. We only work with the best of the best, and our partners are the most trusted real estate name in Belize.

      In particular, for Mahogany Bay, we can offer our investors unmatched financing options that will allow them to secure a property for only a fraction of the total land and development cost. You can secure a property for as little as $30,000. We can even offer professional property management for your property at a fair split so you can rest easy that your investment is in good hands and generating profits for you.