Country: Antigua and Barbuda Nationality: Antiguan, Barbudan Continent: North America Region: Americas Subregion: Caribbean eu member?: false UN Code: AG Start of Week: monday currency code: XCD languages official: en Juridiction: Antigua and Barbuda


Antigua and Barbuda is a paradisiac island country located in the Lesser Antilles. Along with its stunning landscapes, impressive marine fauna, and exceptional hospitality, Antigua and Barbuda has many secrets. These secrets are hiding in the light of day for those who dare to dig deeper into this country’s beauty.

Antigua and Barbuda is not just a beautiful Caribbean nation. It is a business center offering a variety of opportunities for growth and development. Caribbean nations usually suffer from hurricanes and natural disasters due to their location. Except for tourism, they don’t have huge industries to rely on, their territories are small and lack natural resources.

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Companies and Structures

Many investors from all over the world choose Antigua as their corporate jurisdiction for many reasons. Although it has complied with the OECD regulations, this country still offers excellent tax incentives, corporate options, and business opportunities.

Setting up a corporate structure is easy, affordable, and straightforward, and it brings immense benefits. Like we discussed in other sections, Antigua also offers an incredible lifestyle, solid banking, and world-class financial services, providing the whole package for family offices.

By establishing their operating company here, the wealthiest families can access a pro-business environment that also offers citizenship by investment. They can rest assured that their assets are generating money and protected at the same time. This, of course, if they use the Antiguan structure as a part of their financial Forever Free strategy.

The Forever Free Package: the Ultimate Strategy for Asset Protection in the Long Term

Privatus Maximus offers a variety of services, but one of them is one-of-a-kind. It was drafted by one of our experts and especially geared to achieve the ultimate asset protection.

By combining different structures in various jurisdictions, families can grow their wealth, plan inheritance, and protect their assets. We have described the package in-depth on numerous occasions, hence, here we present only a brief summary.

The 5 Steps to Freedom: Forever Free

Step 1: Acquire (at least one) citizenship by investment in a tax-friendly, pro-enterprise jurisdiction. This will give the family members freedom to travel and do business in new countries.

Step 2: Acquire tax residency in a country with a territorial tax regime. If the income comes from foreign sources, you won’t pay taxes. If properly structured, you may even pay 0% legally.

Step 3: The family should establish an operating company, i.e., a business to generate wealth. It should be registered in the right jurisdiction allowing maximum profit optimization.

Step 4: This is maybe the most important link in this chain. The family must establish a trust that will own the operating company. Thus, the assets will be fully protected and there are tax benefits depending on the jurisdiction. The assets can be distributed in the form of loans (free of tax) or allocated in a low-tax trust. It’s important to note that, if you acquire citizenship or residency in Antigua and Barbuda, you must choose another jurisdiction for your trust and vice versa. International Trusts in Antigua and Barbuda can only be established by non-residents.

Step 5: The family must develop an investment portfolio under the same parameters already described. The best portfolio is the one with the widest diversification. This means currency, countries, type of assets, etc.

Why Antigua is the Perfect Jurisdiction for the Third Step: Company Incorporation

The registration of foreign companies is regulated by the Antigua International Business Corporation Act from 1982. This document sets the conditions for registry and operations.

  • -As a former tax haven, Antigua is one of the few countries in the world to offer interesting financial advantages. With most of the world over-regulated, investors need a corporate environment like Antigua, where they enjoy low costs, tax benefits, and flexible regulations.
  • -An Antiguan company needs only one shareholder and one director. They can be the same person and can have any nationality. Not only natural persons can be shareholders or directors, but also any legal entity including a trust.
  • -Antigua and Barbuda is one of the most confidential countries. They defend financial secrecy and privacy like a golden treasure. This is so to such an extent, that sharing banking and corporate details without proper authorization is illegal. In line with this, the names of directors and shareholders are not included in public records.
  • -Antiguan IBCs are not subject to mandatory audits or reporting. They don’t need to file annual financial statements.
  • -The IBC’s assets are not listed in public records. They are very protected because they are owned by the IBC, not the shareholders. This ownership separation works the same way as a trust.
  • -Registration is quite fast. Processes can be finished in only one day.
  • -The IBCs don’t have mandatory minimum capital requirements.
  • -With English as the official language, corporate documents and procedures are written and carried out in English. This simplifies the process as there is no need to spend time or money to translate. Nonetheless, documents originally issued in other languages must be translated to English.
  • -Antigua doesn’t apply currency exchange controls.
  • -This jurisdiction is known worldwide for its top-class banking services. Its international bank has been operating for over 30 years and specializes in private banking and wealth management for international families.
  • -Antigua and Barbuda is one of the five Caribbean countries to offer citizenship by investment. It’s also one of the most affordable programs in the world. The minimum investment for the donation option is 130,000 USD and the real estate variant requires 200,000 USD plus fees. With these amounts, investors can apply with their families (up to 4 members).

Activities that Can be Carried out Through an Antiguan IBC

  • -International trade
  • -International investments
  • -Asset protection
  • -Tax optimization
  • -Intellectual property ownership
  • -International leasing
  • -Yacht registration
  • -Formation of international trusts

Tax Advantages of an IBC in Antigua

As a premium world-class financial center, Antigua and Barbuda doesn’t apply any form of tax on its IBCs. It provides exemptions for at least 50 years on any kind of tax:

  • -No corporate tax
  • -No income tax
  • -No capital gains tax
  • -No withholding tax, stamp duties, and estate tax.
  • -No tax on dividends paid to shareholders

Requirements to Register an IBC in Antigua and Barbuda

Company registration in this jurisdiction requires at least two incorporators. They must be citizens and live in Antigua and Barbuda. One of these incorporators must be a licensed attorney. Next, we list the registration requirements:

  • -Signed Articles of Incorporation
  • -Register of Directors
  • -Company’s Registered Address
  • -Company Name request
  • -Application for an International Business Charter

Once these documents are revised and approved by the registrar, they will issue the certificate of incorporation. The memorandum will set out the activities to be carried out by the IBC. Also, the articles of incorporation will stipulate the company’s management rules.

Main Characteristics of an Antiguan IBC

Allowed Company Shares

Antigua and Barbuda corporate legislation allows for the following types of shares:

  • -Registered shares
  • -Bearer shares
  • -Shares of no-par value
  • -Redeemable shares
  • -Preference shares
  • -Shares with or without voting rights
  • -Nominee shares (shareholders)
  • -Share repurchase is allowed

Required Capital

While there is no minimum stipulated capital, IBCs usually start with 50,000USD.

Corporate Officers

The law allows IBCs to have only one shareholder and director (they can be the same person or any legal entity). A secretary must be appointed who can also be either a person or entity.


Antigua and Barbuda is one of the most confidential countries. They jealously protect corporate and banking secrecy. The names of shareholders and directors are not on public records and unauthorized disclosure is illegal.

Trading Restrictions

The IBCs can conduct any type of activity but only outside Antigua and Barbuda.

Type of Law

Like many Caribbean islands (former English colonies), Antigua’s legislation is based on British common law. The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court is the highest judicial layer.

Company Meetings

IBCs must conduct annual meetings, but these can be held in any country.

Local Requirements

Antiguan IBCs must have a registered office. They also must have a registered agent that can be a natural or legal person. The incorporation documents must be filed at the office and are not on public record.

Currency Controls

Antiguan official currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD) whose value is pegged to the USD, but both currencies are accepted in everyday life. There are no currency controls, which means currency exchange and transfer of funds to and from abroad are allowed.

Reporting Requirements

Companies are not required to file annual reports, but they have to maintain inner records. These must reflect the company’s accurate financial status.

Registration Time Frame

After the documents have been gathered and submitted, the approval process takes usually from 2 to 3 business days.

Corporate Name Requirements

An IBC’s name can be in any language and must be unique. Also, it must end with the abbreviation corresponding to the structure (LLC, IBC, SA, etc.)

Some words, like ‘bank’, ‘Insurance’, ‘trust’, ‘savings’, and others, require a special license.

Annual Fees

300 USD yearly fee – Companies whose capital is lower than 50,000USD.

350 USD yearly fee – Companies whose capital is lower than 50,000USD and with some or all shares issued as ‘no par value’ shares.

1,000 USD yearly fee – Companies whose capital is above 50,000-USD.

Each company must also pay a yearly fee of 100USD for annual filing.

Who we are and what we can do for you

Privatus Maximus is an international publication on the nomad capitalist lifestyle and asset protection opportunities. We created this portal inspired by the work of Ayn Rand, especially her novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’.

Intended for all libertarians and perpetual travelers, our site’s main goal is freedom. Every service we provide is part of a carefully outlined structure whose main purpose is to achieve ultimate freedom. In other words, freedom from tax, government control, and movement restrictions.

Privatus Maximus has offices in Vanuatu, Panama, Latvia, and St Kitts and Nevis, and has many quality business contacts in the Caribbean. Therefore, we can help you establish an IBC in Antigua and Barbuda providing the necessary tax advice so you can get the most out of your Antiguan business.

Banking Services

The banking sector of Antigua and Barbuda is the icing on the cake. It’s the perfect complement for this country’s healthy financial environment. This banking sector is the second largest in the Eastern Caribbean and holds one-sixth of the loans, deposits, and assets in the region.

Very few jurisdictions have such stable and protective banking, especially for offshore clients. Business people will find eight commercial banks to open their accounts. The sector is constituted by local and foreign banks mainly from Canada and the Caribbean. The latter has developed progressively and now accounts for a large portion of the market share.

Being a member of the ECCU (Eastern Caribbean Currency Union) has helped Antigua to develop its banking sector. The country is also home to one of the finest banking institutions in the region. For over 30 years they have been providing financial services and now are one of the world’s favorite private banking destinations.

Clients won’t miss their domestic accounts as they can access a variety of top-class services in Antigua. They can deposit, borrow, and carry out their transactions hassle-free. A large part of the local population has access to banking services in this island country.

This section intends to show a general picture of the banking environment in Antigua and Barbuda. We will touch upon topics such as opening requirements, procedures, advantages, and uses.

Although the Antiguan banking sector is highly reliable, opening an account for an IBC can be complicated. If you want an account for your structure, please contact our experts as we can recommend many other jurisdictions. Nonetheless, if you decide to acquire citizenship by investment in this country, you won’t have any issues opening a personal account as a citizen.

The Banking Sector in Antigua and Barbuda

In the 90s, Antigua and Barbuda was one of the top offshore banking destinations, but this started to change in the year 2000. Since then, the country has been subject to a great deal of pressure from international regulators and forced to tighten its directives. But then again, this happened in most of the world, so Antigua hasn’t lost competitiveness on the international scale. However, the number of banks has declined.

There are many reasons why to open an account in this country. Yet, this sector is especially appealing to citizenship by investment applicants. Making the investment through a local transaction is easier and faster, especially if you are applying through the real estate option.

Investors can access special developer deals thanks to their local bank account. For example, they can get favorable terms when it comes to return of investment. They can benefit from rental programs of their real estate property. Although the transactions can be made from any international account (as long as these are not sanctioned by the US), the best option is through an Antiguan entity. We believe a bank account is a perfect complement to other financial services within the country.

Both domestic and foreign banks are constantly developing and have both international and local clients.

Antigua Banking: How Does it Work?

Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the ECCU (Eastern Caribbean Currency Union). This entity is dedicated to the economic development of the Caribbean region. Some of its members are St Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Anguilla, St Lucia, and Montserrat. These countries share a common currency that’s pegged to the US dollar and the ECCU ensures its stability.

Thanks to the ECCU, Antigua and Barbuda enjoys a stable economic environment that is fertile soil for banking development. The entity controls currency exchange processes, acts as a grantor for deposits, regulates the monetary policies, and sets the guidelines for development.

The World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index shows excellent results for Antigua and Barbuda. It’s in 98th place of 183 other countries when it comes to the attractiveness of borrowing. Also, we can find it in 29th place among the most financially protected countries.

Since the first offshore bank opened its gates in 1983, the Antiguan banking sector has been constantly developing. Although it has suffered from international pressure, the country still presents financial advantages and incentives. The banks have created a global network of partners which makes transactions easier. Also, they have acquired many correspondent banks thanks to a variety of signed agreements. Thus, they can provide services to people from any country in the world and almost any currency.

What Can You Do with the Commercial Banks in Antigua and Barbuda

  • -Access one of the oldest financial institutions in the Caribbean and its top-class private banking services.
  • -Open an account for an operative company.
  • -Open personal accounts and access first-class international corporate services.
  • -Open a trading account. One of the Antiguan banks operates with stock market transactions.
  • -Asset management services.
  • -Portfolio management.
  • -International deposits.

Our experts don’t recommend opening an account for an IBC but they can suggest other jurisdictions.

The Antiguan banks are very protective of their information. If you want to know exactly what bank is better for the real estate transaction of your CBI application, contact our experts.

How to Open an Account in Antigua

All Antigua and Barbuda banks accept international clients. Yet, the process can be tricky at times. The documents required may vary according to the institution, but next, we list the basics:

Required Documents to Open a Bank Account in Antigua and Barbuda

  • -A valid passport. It has to be an international travel document.
  • -Second ID. This can be a driver’s license or national ID.
  • -Entry-visa. If the applicant doesn’t come from a country that has a visa-free agreement, he/she will have to present documents that allow entry to Antigua and Barbuda.
  • -Proof of residence. The applicant must present a document stating his/her address. This can be a rental agreement or utility bills in the applicant’s name.
  • -Bank references. Recommendation letters from your bank in another country. The letter will have more weight if it comes from banks in white-listed jurisdictions. In some cases, the bank can ask for your credit records.
  • -Account opening form signed by the applicant.

As these requirements may vary, we encourage you to contact Privatus Maximus team. They can assess your case and provide a quotation and an accurate set of requirements. Since opening a bank account in Antigua and Barbuda for IBCs can be difficult, we are ready to introduce other opportunities.

Information Disclosure and CRS

All personal information that you share with your Antiguan bank is subject to privacy by law. This means it can’t be shared with third parties.

It’s worth noting that Antigua and Barbuda has joined the CRS. This means that every bank is required to share information with the client’s tax residency country. Applicants must remember that Antigua and Barbuda is not a jurisdiction to hide money from their governments. It’s a great choice for those who want to get citizenship by investment or invest overseas.

Banking Services

Once your account is open, you can request your checkbook and credit cards (Visa or MasterCard). Regarding currency, Antiguan banks work with euros, US dollars, pounds sterling, and Canadian dollars. If you want to convert your funds to a different currency, then the bank will do it for you at the current exchange rate.

Online Banking Services

Any bank account of the 21st century needs a reliable online banking system. With the world moving to virtual reality, online services have become popular in many commercial sectors. This has increased since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. Moreover, nobody has time to go to the bank and make endless lines. Not to mention the people who travel frequently or live abroad.

Antigua and Barbuda is at the top of international banking services offering reliable online platforms. Clients can monitor their accounts, check their balance, make payments, and do other transactions. Although these platforms can be easily installed, you may need special assistance when it comes to validating your application before the bank.

Here at Privatus Maximus we are always ready to give you a piece of advice in relation to any business needs you might have.

Privatus Maximus was created by perpetual travelers and nomad capitalists. They have traveled the world offering financial services and establishing structures. When choosing a new place of residency, our experts recommend considering certain factors.

Who We Are and What We Can Do for You

Privatus Maximus is a financial portal dedicated to human freedom, perpetual traveler lifestyle, and asset protection. We have versions in four of the most important languages: Chinese, English, Spanish, and Russian.

Thanks to our wide variety of contacts, we can offer financial services in many countries including the US, Panama, the Caribbean, Cyprus, Montenegro, Portugal, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Seychelles, Hong Kong, etc. Thanks to our wide experience working with CBI programs in the Caribbean, we can make your relocation process smoother for you and your family.

We are proud that our partners are some of the best financial firms. With Privatus Maximus broad reach, we are able to offer excellent solutions in Antigua and Barbuda and around the world. Contact us now for a consultation.

Government Agencies

Every international business person needs to be aware of the policies, regulations, and updates concerning the jurisdictions where he/she is investing. This section intends to show Privatus Maximus readers the most important links and contacts of their chosen country.

In this case, we present the key government agencies in Antigua and Barbuda which regulate tourism, investments, utilities, education, trade, corporate governance, and finances.

Ministry of Finance, Corporate Governance & Public Private Partnerships

This official entity is responsible for managing public finances, revenue, and budget. It’s also in charge of developing plans to sustain the country’s economy. The Citizenship by Investment Unit is part of this Ministry.

Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety, and Labor

This ministry’s main mission is to deliver relevant legal services. It works with skilled professionals that provide sound legal advice to improve the lives of Antigua and Barbuda’s people within the rule of law framework.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Immigration

This ministry is particularly important for foreign investors that want to do business in Antigua and Barbuda. It manages consumer affairs, international and regional trade, innovation, immigration, and overseas missions.

Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications & Information Technology

This is a very important agency as it’s in charge of boosting technological development. It’s also responsible for information, broadcasting, telecommunications, and e-governance.

Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs

This government agency is responsible for all operations related to agriculture. It manages policies, legislation, oversight, regulations, and administrative affairs concerning the agricultural sector. Together with other related entities, the Ministry of Agriculture works to develop this industry and provide sustainable food sources to all residents.

Ministry of Works and Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance

This state body is responsible for developing and managing work roads, infrastructure, and public works. It’s a key player for the Antiguan economy thanks to its constant innovation and commitment to development.

Ministry of Tourism and Investment

This Ministry is in charge of developing and supervising the tourism sector. It includes offices like Overseas Tourism Office and it’s responsible for beach protection, FCCA, CHTA, CTO & Yachting, and National Parks and Heritage Sites.

Ministry of Social Transformation and the Blue Economy

This body is in charge of a variety of areas pertaining to the wellbeing of the Antiguan society. With a 21-century vision, it intends to consider all points of view with an inclusive approach. Some of its responsibilities are social improvement, blue economy, gender and ecclesiastical affairs, poverty eradication, and drug rehabilitation and reduction.

Privatus Maximus offers services in a variety of jurisdictions across the world. Thanks to our history, we have close relationships in the Caribbean. Contact us and discover all the opportunities available in Antigua and Barbuda and the region.

Real Estate and Investments

Antigua and Barbuda is one of the few countries to offer citizenship by investment. There are only five countries in the Caribbean to provide such programs, and this is one of them. There are three different ways to obtain a passport on this breathtaking island and, as we will see in this section, real estate is one of them.

But acquiring a property in the Caribbean is more than getting a nice-looking beach house. It’s also more than getting a passport. It’s about covering two important fronts of your financial strategy.

These are the three ways in which an investor can get the Antigua and Barbuda passport:

-Non-refundable government donation

-Real estate investment

-Business investment

Since these will be covered in the ‘citizenship and residency’ section, we focus this piece on the real estate market and its many benefits.

There are only a few investments as effective as a real estate CBI program. If you wonder why, we encourage you to read our piece on the Forever Free strategy.

With one investment (which, by the way, in the Caribbean does not surpass the 200,000 USD) you can have a luxury property in a tourist hub. The Caribbean region is visited by tourists from all over the world, but especially by those looking for luxury.

This constitutes the perfect environment for developing a property portfolio and it covers the 5th step of the Forever Free strategy. This is the step where a Family Office or individual can increase their wealth with carefully allocated investments. The real estate market is one of the safest vehicles as prices always rise eventually.

In Antigua and Barbuda, you can get citizenship and purchase a real estate development with one single investment and procedure. Thus, you will be covering the first and fifth steps of the Forever Free package and investing in the most important asset of all: freedom.

Your Passport to Freedom Through Real Estate Investment

The rarest asset in the 21st century is not gold, bitcoin, or oil. It’s freedom. If you are wondering why is this asset getting scarcer, just look at the current world situation.

The increasing interest to achieve ‘transparency’ has led to an ever-growing pressure over the low-tax jurisdictions. High-tax countries have been tightening the regulations and increasing rates for over two decades. Since this has caused capital flight and massive migration by the richest families, instead of lowering their taxes, these nations established regulating entities that strive to control the financial environment worldwide. These efforts eventually lead to the implementation of international regulations like the CRS or BEPS.

This trend has been enhanced by the coronavirus pandemic that broke out in 2020. With the support of international regulating entities, governments have imparted even stricter measures limiting the freedom of movement between countries and sometimes even within the same city.

Rumors are saying that the EU is thinking about establishing a tax on citizenship, which would mean that every EU citizen would have to pay taxes no matter where they live.  Also, many countries are discussing concepts like ‘worldwide taxation’ and an increase in wealth tax to alleviate the high expenses caused by the pandemic.

In this context, having a second or a third passport has become an essential aspect of a person’s financial plan. A backup travel document can help you avoid restrictions, widen your travel opportunities, and give you a second home to rely on in case of emergencies.

The Current Situation of the Real Estate Market in Antigua and Barbuda

For the reasons we explain above, we mainly work with what we call second-home or third-home properties. Mostly under the CBI framework.

Generally, the real estate market is very steady because foreigners don’t live here. They don’t need a property as a residency like they would at home, say in London, New York, or Paris.

Investors buy property in Antigua and Barbuda because they want to. They may want to start a tourist rental business or have their own getaway place in the Caribbean. Thanks to this, the global market fluctuations don’t really affect the real estate prices in this country. During severe world crises, the number of real estate sales may decrease, but the Antigua and Barbuda properties maintain their value.

For investors that want a long-term investment strategy, Antigua and Barbuda real estate sector is the ideal option. But, if your strategy is based on buying and selling quickly to make capital gains, this is not the best investment. In the time of a crisis, your Antiguan property will keep its value but will be hard to sell. Hence, you have high value but low liquidity.

If your plan is holding on to your properties, then this is a stable environment where to grow your real estate portfolio or keep a second home in the Caribbean.

The property values increase between 2% and 6% annually depending on several factors.

Real Estate and Tourism in the Caribbean

The demand for Caribbean real estate is growing fast. This is mainly thanks to the increasing number of visitors. Infrastructure is also growing to support this trend. As an example, Antigua opened a new international airport in 2015.

This enhanced the country’s connections which now has a direct flight to London and connections with the US and Canada.

If you like statistics, Antigua was visited by 300,000 tourists in 2018, not including visitors who came on cruise liners. While the country’s tourism sector has been struck by the Covid-19 pandemic and government restrictions, the year 2022 shows a new horizon of hope. With vaccines being implemented worldwide and restrictions gradually being lifted, the tourist global industry is reactivating.

Many countries have experienced a boom in tourism as soon as the restrictions were lifted, showing the people’s desire to get out of their houses and travel. In this context, the Caribbean is one of the best candidates to receive a large flow of visitors from 2022 and on.

Property Prices in Antigua and Barbuda

In this section, we describe what investors can get at different prices. These numbers are approximate and intend to show a general picture of the market.

What Can You Get for 100,000USD

When it comes to touristic properties, you will have to be really lucky to get a property at 100,000 USD. With a little luck, It’s possible to acquire a decent one-bedroom apartment. Our experts may be able to get you a deal on distressed assets for this price, and probably the property will require work. But, still, this is a long shot.

What Can You Get for 200,000

Realistically, you need at least 200,000 USD to purchase a tourist rental property. For this amount, investors can acquire a 2-bedroom property with 1,000 square feet. This property can have great amenities and facilities for tourists like a private dock space. There are single houses or blocks of 6-8 houses.

There are great opportunities in Jolly Harbour, where there are 35-40-year old properties. Since they need some work done, you may be able to get them a little cheaper, say 175,000USD-195,000 USD, depending on the property.

This area gets many visitors and offers good ROI options for investors.

What Can You Get for 500,000

This is generally the option that CBI applicants choose. For this number, you can get a unit in a luxury resort development. These are modern hotel-type complexes with top-class amenities. They offer management and full services and are often brand new.

What Can You Get for 1,000,000

If you want a single luxury house, then you can get it for 1,000,000. For this price, you can purchase a three-bedroom 3,000-square foot house. At this price, you probably won’t find beachfront properties or sunset views, but you can get a nice house with a lovely ocean view.

What Can You Get for More Than 1,000,000

The next jump in prices places us at a 1.8-3-million price range. At these prices, you can get a property at Sugar Ridge, a luxury resort located high upon a hill and offering breathtaking views. You can get properties with three and four bedrooms, 3,000 square feet, and with a terrace, garden, and pool. These resorts usually have 24/7 security.

For over 3,000,000 USD, investors can acquire a property with 4 or 5 bedrooms with 3,500-5,000 square feet. These properties have all the luxury amenities including sunset views, private beaches, and a dock, a combination that is quite rare to find in the Caribbean.

If you don’t have the time to manage the rental activity of your property, don’t worry. There are several rental management companies that can take care of everything for you.

Important: Readers must keep in mind that, to apply for citizenship, it’s necessary to purchase a government-approved development starting at 200,000 USD.

Real Estate in the Citizenship by Investment Context

Approximately 6 years ago, most of the CBI applicants used to choose the donation investment. This is understandable since it’s a simpler and faster approach. Applicants don’t need to spend time looking for a property, but only have to worry about depositing the donation, paying the fees, and passing the due diligence check.

However, more and more investors are starting to see the value of having real estate property in Antigua and Barbuda, where prices can only increase and, worst-case scenario, remain stable. While the donation option is non-refundable, the property can be sold after 5 years, getting the investment back plus capital gains.

The statistics in St Kitts and Nevis show that 75% of investors chose the real estate option when applying for the CBI in 2018 and 2019. This trend is also visible in other Caribbean countries.

But why is the real estate sector increasingly appealing for investors? It all comes down to trust. Lately, there have been internationally renowned developers working on CBI-approved properties. These developers have experience not only building luxury properties but also inserting them into the market. They have worked with successful projects in the past and are now striving to reach the same level of excellence in the Caribbean.

Also, some of the top luxury brands have established facilities in the Caribbean like Hyatt, 4 Seasons, and others.

Thanks to these factors, the real estate sector of Antigua and Barbuda is constantly growing and presents a unique opportunity for ROI.

Advantages of Investing in Real Estate in Antigua and Barbuda through the CBI Program

  • -Annual return of 1-5%.
  • -Ability to sell the property after a period and keep citizenship. The period is usually 5 to 7 years depending on the program.
  • -The person who buys the property will also be eligible for the CBI program.
  • -Stable political and economic environment.
  • -Stable currency pegged to the US dollar.
  • -Stable property prices.
  • -Increasing tourism and real estate sectors.

Development Opportunities

The market also receives investors who want to build their own houses or projects. It’s possible to acquire a piece of land for between 2M and 5M dollars, with the building and design costs, the sum amounts to 6M.

Nonetheless, the tourism sector includes more than rental and residential properties. Many investors come to the islands looking for other investments. A well-located restaurant can cost approximately 500,000 USD.

Who We Are and What Can We Do for You

About Privatus Maximus

We are Privatus Maximus, an online financial portal committed to the concept of freedom. We believe in the five flag theory and work hard to provide services that fit into this strategy.

We have partnered with experts from all over the world who specialize in banking, immigration, trusts, companies, investment vehicles, and financial licenses.

Thanks to this, we can offer a combination of structures to help high-net-worth individuals protect their legacy. Due to the nature of our business, our services are specifically targeted to Family Offices. Nonetheless, we offer them to individuals as well.

No matter whether you are a mid-net, high-net, or ultra high-net individual, we offer effective solutions for every case.

 Privatus Maximus can offer a wide range of services in different jurisdictions. This includes the Caribbean, USA, Panama, Georgia, Hong Kong, Armenia, UK, Estonia, Cyprus, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, Bahamas, Vanuatu and other countries.


A trust or a foundation is maybe the ultimate asset protection tool. No matter how much wealth you made, how many companies or bank accounts you have, it can all be gone in one day. The separation of ownership is a concept that was originated in common law, specifically in the crusades. In those times, knights used to leave their estate to a trusted servant who was then obliged to give it back upon his return. If the knight died, then the servant was supposed to distribute the assets among the family members.

In a simple way, this is what a trust is. The asset protection power lies in the fact that assets are no longer owned by the settlor. He or she transfers legal ownership to a third party (trustee) for the benefit of a person or groups of persons called the beneficiaries.

Antigua and Barbuda also offers excellent trust options. The assets are so protected that, if owned by an Antiguan trust, they cannot be seized even in the case of bankruptcy. The law stipulates that, even if the settlor shall face bankruptcy, insolvency, or liquidation, the trust remains untouched.

In 2020, most IBC registrations in the country were related to shipping activities. But there was also a clear interest in private investments and asset protection structures like the international trust.

Regulated by the Corporate Management and Trust Service Providers Act of 2008, the Antigua and Barbuda international trust offers many benefits to non-residents. Foreign investors can enjoy a solid regulating framework, a stable political environment, and immense wealth management opportunities.

This section is about the requirements, conditions, and benefits pertaining to the Antiguan trust.

First of all, it’s worth noting that international trusts are designed for non-residents. If you decide to acquire citizenship by investment in Antigua and Barbuda, or tax residency in this country, then you won’t enjoy the benefits of an Antigua and Barbuda trust. In this case, you need a different combination. If you are interested in Antigua and Barbuda as a place of residency and citizenship, then we can gladly recommend a different trust/foundation jurisdiction. Nevis and Panama are excellent options.

If, after reading this section, you decide that the Antigua and Barbuda trust is the right structure for you, the Privatus Maximus team can help you acquire citizenship and tax residency in one of our many jurisdictions. We offer immigration services in the Caribbean, Vanuatu, Cyprus, Montenegro, Malta, Panama, and many more jurisdictions.

In the next section, we describe the advantages of a trust in this amazing Caribbean country.

Advantages of an Antigua and Barbuda trust

1- Supreme protection:

When choosing a trust jurisdiction, you want to find a place with political stability and a safe regulatory environment. Since a trust is a long-term deal, we recommend staying out of countries with a history of social turmoil, political unrest, currency fluctuation, and socialist tendencies. In this regard, Antigua and Barbuda ticks all the boxes.

With an Antiguan trust, you can not only protect your assets today but also for future generations. It helps to protect your legacy and plan your inheritance. The ITA has many protective provisions in this regard. From the trust deed itself, the trust assets are protected from third parties or external forces. No creditor of a trustee, nor a family member not included in the trust, has any rights over the trust’s property.

2- Top-class confidentiality:

The ITA does not require public filing and the trust register is not available for anyone other than the trust parties. This makes the Antigua and Barbuda trust a highly confidential structure. Although beneficial owners are subject to filing obligations, the trust deed doesn’t have to be filed with the Commission. If you want an extra layer of secrecy, you can stipulate disclosure requirements in the trust deed.

An Antigua and Barbuda trust is the perfect option for those who want to manage their financial affairs while protecting their privacy.

3-Unique flexibility:

This jurisdiction is very flexible regarding the trust structure and purpose. A settlor can establish a trust for different purposes like charity, inheritance planning, or asset holding. Thus, families can create their trusts according to the objective that best suits their asset protection strategy.

4-Tax optimization:

Antiguan international trusts are a top-class tax optimizations structure. It’s exempt from capital gains, income, estate, and inheritance tax. There is no stamp duty on the trust’s property.

Trust structures available in Antigua and Barbuda

Discretionary trust: With this structure, the settlor establishes the criteria concerning assets and investments under the trust. They can outline these instructions in the trust deed or in a separate document called ‘Letter of wishes’.

Fixed trusts:

In this case, the distribution of assets among beneficiaries is done under certain conditions. This may be when someone finishes college, gets married, or reaches a certain age.

Bare trusts:

With this structure, a settlor can also be a beneficiary and even the sole beneficiary of a trust. Bare trusts are specifically useful for settlors and beneficiaries who want to have access to the trust assets. The rights are outlined in the trust deed. This applies to all parties involved: settlors, trustees, and beneficiaries. Antiguan trusts can also include protectors, whose main responsibility is to supervise that the settlor’s instructions are carried out as established in the trust deed. This structure can own different types of assets like real estate, securities, cash, and businesses. This makes it the ideal trust option for the Forever Free strategy.

Requirements for an Antigua and Barbuda trust

License: The typical trustee license in Antigua and Barbuda is a Class C license. Yet, for protectors, the type of license required is Class B.

Registration requirements: The first step to register a trust is to submit an approval request for the trust’s name. The proposed names are reviewed by the Regulator at no cost and have to comply with the law. Once this is approved, the applicant needs to follow this procedure:

-Submit an application to register an international trust

-The application must be submitted with a certificate of the Antigua and Barbuda trustee. This document confirms that at least one of the trustees is domiciled in Antigua and Barbuda. The trust can have a maximum of four trustees and at least one of them must be a resident of Antigua and Barbuda.

Address requirements:

The ITA stipulates that none of the beneficiaries or settlors of an international trust can be residents of Antigua and Barbuda. The trust’s registered office must be the address of the trustee domiciled in the country. This will be the official address where the trust will receive documents and notifications.

Time frame requirements: The application to register a trust must be made within 45 days after the trust deed execution.

Trust certificate:

Once the registration is successful, the regulator will issue a Certificate of Registration. This document constitutes proof that the trust is properly established and legal. It’s valid for 1 year after which it can be renewed upon the ITA’s approval.

 Privatus Maximus Tips for Registering an Antiguan trust

Virtual examinations: Although the Covid-19 restrictions are gradually being lifted, applications can be examined virtually to prevent unnecessary travel and movements. This can change depending on how successful the fight against the pandemic is.

#Defective notices: The submission of inaccurate or incomplete forms or documentation may result in a registration delay. Mundo encourages clients to try their best when gathering the documentation and filling the forms. To prevent this, Antigua reintroduced the Defective Notices in April 2021.

Annual returns:

All returns must be filed within three months after the financial year ends or by March 31st. Returns must be fully completed and submitted with signed confirmation.

Beneficial control and ownership:

Statements of beneficial ownership and control must also be filed by March 31st each year. Documents must be completed and accompanied by a confirmation note.

Compliance requirements:

Unfortunately, many business owners see compliance costs as unnecessary expenses. But this is far from the truth. Privatus Maximus recommends dedicating the maximum care and attention to the due diligence and compliance processes, even if this means incurring extra expenses.

Being on the safe side of the compliance machine brings long-term benefits. A small effort today can save you from huge trouble in the future.

Keeping your compliance up to date brings many benefits for your trust or company:

  • -It protects the structure from fines and other sanctions.
  • -A strong compliance structure is an excellent risk management strategy. It prevents you from becoming susceptible to fraud and illegal activities.
  • -Protect your business reputation by making sure that you work only with reputable clients and partners.
  • -Unlawful clients are most likely to fall into bankruptcy, face high fines or even go to jail. By having a client base of legit clients, you ensure long-term relationships to develop your business.

Who we are and what we can do for you

 Privatus Maximus is an online portal that’s committed to the nomad capitalist philosophy. Based on Ayn Rand and her libertarian ideas, Privatus Maximus believes in a world where free market and fair competition is the rule.

We have partnered with numerous professionals from all over the world, and we can provide an array of financial services and combined structures for individual entrepreneurs and family offices.

We offer bank accounts, investment immigration services, access to unique investment deals and distressed assets, innovative investment platforms, tax residency, and real estate developments in many countries.

Just imagine what you could accomplish by combining these elements. Our tax experts can also help you outline your structure for maximum financial optimization.

Privatus Maximus has been working with the organizers and sponsors of the Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Summit for many years and has business connections in the Caribbean, especially in Antigua and Barbuda.